How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Locke Jamison
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2021 15:33:27 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
“Yooowch.” Locke whined as he gingerly pressed against a rosy-red cheek.

Just his luck to get a sunburn in the middle of autumn. He probably should’ve known better than to take on farm work without a hat or lotion, but in his defense, he was more accustomed to the small community garden plots dotted around the region's various cities, where office buildings and skyscrapers would normally shield him against the sun’s vicious rays.

Out here in the wide, open fields of rural Littleroot, however, there were no such defenses. Just them, their Pokémon, and the Wooloo herd they were charged with.

Oh. And those other two.

Locke glanced over their shoulder at their fellow city-slickers from atop Do-Do-Do, wondering if they were faring any better so far outside their element.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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Remi Cassel
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 2:01:52 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Call her soft, but off in a more discreet part of the field, Remi was busy raking and re-raking piles of leaves for the benefit of her Sneasel. With the colder weather incoming, they were feeling more and more energetic and far less moody. It was a win all around, and it was bringing a smile to a normally edgy, moody, probably scary-looking woman's face.

Just as the rake drags the fallen leaves back through to top off the pile, someone bursts out from the center, spraying them everywhere. With a flurry of sharp claws, they're torn to pieces and flung aside. With a quick brandish of her rake, she stops the leaves from landing on her, specifically.

"Now you're making more mess, you monsters."

Not that cleaning up messes was really what she was here for. For a little bit of extra money in her pocket, she'd agreed to be on dog watch duty. Apparently the farmer here was having trouble with wild Pokemon attacking their herd of Wooloo.

Little did they know it was probably just her poaching them. Now up close and personal, it was that much easier to whisk away a Pokemon or two and pretend that it was just the Mightyena or whatever that the farmer blamed it on in the first place.

Win, win.
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Mars | Tuesday
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Martín del Mar
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 14:03:06 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

No one would ever expect someone like Mars to have any interest in farmwork, and if we’re being completely honest here, he doesn’t, not at all.
Is this another strange PR move, him trying to better his and the bank’s optics with the farming community? Is he suddenly interested in buying farmlands? Or, is it perhaps something else?
The man’s true intentions are left only for himself to know as he walks through the field, drawn to the small orchard where Apricorn trees stand tall and full of fruit in a rainbow-like array of colours.
”How about you help me pick some of these?” He asks his Alolan Raichu when the pokémon is released onto the field, the pokémon’s Psychic and its ability to surf through the air itself making it a great candidate to help with collecting Apricorns from high up in the trees.

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How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2021 13:57:27 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
The others both seemed busy with their own tasks, which suited Locke just fine. A little downtime to himself was exactly what he needed after the month he’d had.

He couldn’t have asked for a nicer place to clear his head, either. The meadow still had the soft, pleasant green of summer, with splashes of color added by the odd patch of wildflowers. The setting sun backlit the entire scene in a warm, orange glow, contrasting the crisp autumn air filling his lungs. The Wooloo themselves were easy to keep track of, most of them content to graze or nap while Pup-Pup circled around the herd every so often.

The extra height their Dodrio provided let Locke see even as far as the fowl pen on the other side of the property, where the Unfezant appeared to be kicking up quite the fuss. Probably just the feral barn Meowth chasing them around. It was still worth investigating, they decided, turning Do-Do-Do to march in the direction of the pen.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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Remi Cassel
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2021 3:29:55 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
The plan is fool-proof, simple, straight-forward.

Or it was, until silence overcomes the field and her own Pokemon stop their playing. The leaves rustle, their quiet noise deafening, stirring the rolling bluster of anxiety that washes over the herd of Wooloo nearby. When Remi looks up, she notes two other volunteers in the field- but more than that, she notes how tightly-packed the Wooloo have become.

Herd animals relying on one another for security. Their eyes were wide, showing the whites, their hooves stamp and shuffle and they move in unison.

Something is wrong.

And then she hears it: the howl of Lycanroc, far-off in the distance. Or it would be, if she didn't know how fast they could run.


The plan had been fool-proof, until it wasn't. Turns out her poaching plan to sneak one of the Wooloo or Miltank away for her own benefit would have to be put on hold and far more thought-out. That's alright.

But the Wooloo wouldn't be, in a minute.

"We've got company."
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Mars | Tuesday
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Martín del Mar
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 10:35:49 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Even though the science of it completely eludes him, apricorns can apparently be used to create certain specific types of pokéballs. It’s the reason why Mars came all the way out here to handpick a few, since just like the saying goes: if you want something done right, you should do it yourself, no?
What he didn’t come here to do is protect some farm pokémon from wild wolves or whatever, but alas, it would look pretty damn bad if he didn’t lend a hand when he’s right here…
This is the thought that crosses his mind when hearing the distinctively howl of the Lycanroc, and it’s also the reason why he reaches for a pokéball.
Lycanroc may be fast, his Alolan Raichu may be too, but neither can quite compete with the pokémon that emerges in a flash of light. ”Find the Lycanroc.” A simple command, and just like that, it’s with a spark of electricity that the pokémon disappears from sight.
As for the other volunteers… A woman he doesn’t recognize, and no other than Locke fucking Jamison. Of course.
”I didn’t take you for a farmhand, Jamison. We might want to herd these back to the barn just in case of anything.”
That’d make sense, right?

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Locke Jamison
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 23:27:00 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
The high-pitched howl of a Lycanroc brought them to halt in the middle of the field. Behind them, the Wooloo were getting antsy too, huddling close together and looking about one snapped twig away from bolting. And Locke wasn’t feeling much braver.

Luckily support arrived quickly in the form of one Martin del Mar and his Pokémon, including a bipedal one they’d never seen before. Before they could even ask what it was, however, it disappeared again in a flash so fast and bright it left them rubbing spots from their eyes.

Well, time to be curious later he guessed.

“Eh?! You’re one to talk!” Locke cried out indignantly. Like he was gonna take that from the CEO of all people. Still, del Mar had the right idea.

“I’m pretty sure I make a worse battler than a farmhand though, he admitted. ”Me and Pup-Pup can lead the Wooloo away, so long as you and that other lady can cover us!” His Herdier barked in agreement, already racing to circle around the other side of the herd.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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Remi Cassel
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 16:49:35 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
"Pup-pup," Remi laughs, a barking noise similar to an exhale. "I like that."

She, on the other hand, is more than happy to indulge in a little bit of foul play. If the kid was capable of herding the Wooloo back to the barn, she could handle watching their back.

Something uncoils from beneath her jacket, peeking its sleek, baby-blue head out from her collar. Clouds clump together overhead to produce RAIN. The Dratini quickly retires once more, but the downpour is more than enough to help set up what's next.

Now soaked through, the encroaching Lycanroc splash through puddles and wet grass, slowed down as a result.

And when Remi releases one of her adorable little Cubchoo, the temperature drops immediately. The RAIN is promptly replaced with freezing temperatures and HAIL. It freezes the ground, turning the field into an ice rink. Almost immediately, one of the Lycanroc lose their footing and wipes out, crashing into the legs of another.

"Careful! It's slippery!"
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Mars | Tuesday
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Martín del Mar
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2021 0:02:40 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Even though this is supposed to be a “stressful” situation, Mars can’t help but smirk at Locke’s indignation, even if he’s completely right in his statement: he sure is no farmhand either.
”Ha! Don’t sell yourself short, Locke. But, alright, I’ll have Notus here keep an eye on the Wooloo with you if that helps.”
When its name is said, the Alolan Raichu waves at the postman, floating over to him while Mars himself turns his attention to the Lycanroc.
”Hey.” It’s with a simple nod that he greets the unfamiliar woman, watching as she begins to deal with the Lycanroc. It’s effective, and soon enough his Zeraora joins in on the fight, using its AGILITY to avoid stepping on the ice before one POWER-UP PUNCH after another hit the Lycanroc that find themselves temporarily immobilized.

[attr="class","marswttag"] &


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Locke Jamison
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2021 23:39:17 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
Locke gave them both a quick nod before turning their Dodrio to join Pup-Pup, all too happy for Notus’ aid. The actual herding went smoothly at first. Between Do-Do-Do and del Mar’s Raichu they had no trouble encircling the herd, while their Herdier barked and nipped at the Wooloo’s heels to keep them moving towards the barn.

Until a deep growl sounded behind them.

Three Lycanroc had broken off from the pack to sneak around and approach the Wooloo directly. The older Dubwool surrounded the younger members of the herd while the wolves barked and growled at them, trying to intimidate the sheep Pokémon into scattering.

”Tri Attack!” Crackling, multicolored balls of energy exploded from each of Do-Do-Do’s beaks, crashing into the trio of enemies one-by-one. It only served to distract them, however, as the Lycanroc all shook away the blows and turned to face them with malice.

Two of them slammed there paws on the ground in retaliation, summoning large stones beneath Do-Do-Do to unbalance the Dodrio. ”Wha-Rock types?!” The middle Lycanroc didn’t let the opportunity go to waste, charging forward to smash into his mount before Locke could steady him and hurtling both Pokémon and trainer to the ground.

The series of attacks were enough to knock out his Dodrio, and for a terrifying moment it was just Locke and three wild Pokémon stalking towards him. In a flash, Pup-Pup was in front of her trainer. She met the Lycanroc with a low growl that exploded into a Roar loud enough to stun the trio and echo throughout the field.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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she / her
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2021 0:17:25 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Given how warm it is outside in Hoenn's tropical climate, the ice melts pretty rapidly beneath the baking sun. But it works well for the brief window she'd needed it to, to slow them down.

And what comes next may surprise you.

Or it won't, seeing as the kid's dog ruins the surprise factor and takes all of Remi's appeal points. Y'know, like in contests where you use the same move as the person ahead of you so the crowd boos? Whatever.

With a flick of her wrist, mostly because she's fumbled the ball, the woman releases a bear Pokemon that apparently can't learn roar so the joke made earlier is ruined.

Regardless, the Beartic bellows, lips flapping all while spraying saliva as a roar rises from the depth of the Pokemon's chest. It startles the few Lycanroc that had split off to surround the Dubwool and Wooloo from behind, giving Remi a chance to pull out more of her astounding bear arsenal.

"Bane, round 'em up!"

Effortlessly, the Pangoro lifts four of the sheep up over his shoulders, keeping them out of harms way. One in particular, apparently unafraid, licks straight up the side of the Pangoro's face, leaving him with a cowlick. Remi laughs and laughs, energized by the situation rather than intimidated by it. However, the resounding silence from Locke's Pup-pup's roar pulls her attention right back. Something twists in her gut at the same moment the Lycanroc that are advancing on the kid come back to their senses.

One more Pokemon flies from her belt, appearing in front of the kid. It tips its head to the side, one finger touching its bottom lip. The Bewear in its big, adorable and pink glory seems enough to scare off the Lycanroc for good this time. Remi, upon catching up, moves to pull Locke into a mostly-friendly but somewhat aggressive and definitely unsolicited arm lock around their head.

"Woo! Kid, that was close, yeah? Good thing I brought the momma bear squad."
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Mars | Tuesday
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Martín del Mar
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2021 2:36:34 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Numbers usually have the advantage in situations like these, and such being the case, once his Zeraora has dealt with a few of the Lycanroc, it’s with little interest that Mars watches the way the situation unfolds.
After all, most wild pokémon can easily be handled by just about anyone who has a decent team, and in his opinion they’re nothing to stress out about. In fact, stressing out is just about the last thing him and should be doing right now.
Is he worried about the courier?
Strange. He didn’t expect that, and yet, in his mind the images of that day at the conference room are all too clear.
”Locke, are you okay?” He seems like it, at least, and it seems as if the Wooloo are doing fine too. ”Looks like the Wooloo are safe for now. We should let the farmers know about the attack.”


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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2021 0:04:02 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
The Roar didn’t keep the wolves at bay for long. When the shock faded, fury took its place, and the Lycanroc lunged. Locke pulled Pup-Pup into his arms and squeezed his eyes shut, ready for the worst.

The worst, thankfully, never came.

A series of frightened yelps signaled a shift in fortunes, and when he opened his eyes again to find himself cast in the intimidating shadow of a Bewear. Remi’s headlock elicited only a small squeak from the courier as he slowly came down from the dizzying nausea of adrenaline.

Del Mar’s concern earned a slightly more put-together response. “Ah, yeah. Th-Thanks…” They pulled themselves up on shaky legs, fumbling for Do-Do-Do’s Pokéball. Their Dodrio disappeared inside and Locke made a mental note to make a stop at the next town over for healing.

And some treats.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2021 0:09:15 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Remi eventually unlocks her elbow from around the kids head. Their lack of response to her goes unnoticed, because she doesn't really care. Given the circumstances and the person's age (assumed younger than her, therefore a child), it only made sense to her that they'd be quiet and spooked.

The wolves flee, the Wooloo are safe, and Remi leaves the two to their devices.

Ultimately, she leaves.
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
How Many City Folk Does it Take to do a Cowboy's Job? [AA]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2021 1:57:33 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Mars’ only intention when coming to this farm had been to collect a few apricorns, but alas, it seems that in Hoenn not even something like that can be done peacefully.
With the Lycanroc having been dealt with and the Wooloo being safe, his Zeraora is called back to its pokéball after a fist bump that almost seems to say ’good job’. The Alolan Raichu approaches him then, carrying the basket containing the few colourful fruit they managed to collect before the Lycanroc interrupted them.
”Those look good. You did well with keeping them safe, Notus.”
The pokémon squeals gleefully at the praise, and it’s then that Mars’ attention turns to the courier once again – just as the woman whose name he never learned leaves them. On the bright side, at least he got to learn that the kid is doing okay, despite him also apparently being a magnet for stress.
Not like Mars himself isn’t.
”We should meet up again soon, Locke. With Eris. There’s a lot to talk about.”
There is, but Mars is a busy man who has much to do, and this is certainly not the time or the place.
It's soon enough that he leaves as well.


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